Tips For Owners & Operators
The Milton CAT Blog is your go-to resource for all things heavy equipment and power generation in the Northeast! From new product announcements to tips for keeping your equipment running efficiently and effectively for many years to come, the Milton CAT Blog is a perfect supplement to owner’s manuals and is available on-demand, where and when you have questions. Ready to dig in? Subscribe to our blog to make sure you never miss out on the latest from our team!
For the Trenches writeups are developed by experts from the Milton CAT team to help you lower your owning and operating costs. You may have seen these articles in industry publications and they are available as printouts at all our Milton CAT locations. Click on an image below to view the articles.
Here’s actionable information on how to better handle “Everyone’s #1 Job,” and learn what’s available, what’s worthwhile, and what works to make sure that the safety responsibility is implemented efficiently and cost-effectively.

Equipment Financing Do’s and Don’ts
When you believe that it’s time to add a certain machine to your fleet, asking the right questions may result in opportunities and options you didn’t even know existed.

Machine Evaluations
As the expression says, what you don’t know can really hurt you. A good example – in many cases, you may be counting on a certain machine for the next construction season, without knowing for sure whether that machine is ready to deliver for you. A professionally-executed, comprehensive machine evaluation is a great preventive step.

Scheduled Oil Sampling or S.O.S.
Some surprising advice about the appropriate implementation of S.O.S., including – do it right, or just skip it. Yes, you read it right. Unless you’re committed to doing it right, S.O.S may be a waste of time and money.

Does The Part Fit?
Parts purchasing is an area that could take some careful scrutinizing. There are several options available to maintain your equipment in good condition, improve uptime and still cut costs.

How to get the most from your Product Support Consultant or PSC
A PSC can make a big difference in terms of equipment’s owning and operating costs, and can also help increase an initial return on investment – often without having to spend an extra dime.

Communicating With Your Dealer
Need information and access to resources ASAP? Convenience, efficiency and VIP treatment are the three reasons why you may want to try your dealer’s inside sales team.

GPS, Automation, Machine Control & Guidance - Eliminate Intimidation through Rental
The quickly growing use of Machine Control & Guidance is a testament to the significant increase in the efficiencies and productivity this new technology can provide, but it can be a scary and expensive first step to take. This article talks about how to avoid the risks and feel good about your decision by renting.

A Second Go-Around
A certified rebuild is a cost-effective way to give your productive, older machines a new life – including a like-new standard warranty. High-quality equipment is built to be rebuilt, and high-quality equipment dealers are set-up and authorized by manufacturers to implement this money-saving process.
Technology in the Field
Equipment has changed. So have the tools in the field to keep it running at its best. This article will detail the latest technologies available to avoid downtime and high maintenance costs.

Customer Service Agreements or CSAs
Should you even have one...or would you be better off cutting down on the maintenance services provided by your equipment dealer. Before you make a costly decision, you owe it to yourself to take a good look at the four major weaknesses of in-house maintenance.