HomeLocationsMilford Power Systems

Milford Power Systems


Monday to Friday:  7am - 5pm
Saturday:  7am - Noon

The Milford Milton CAT Power Systems location is a standalone facility that houses engineers, salespeople, project managers and support staff, as well as a full team of service specialists. All our product lines are available at the Milford location. We have standby generators, from 40kW to 4,000kW; prime units from 250kW to 3,600kW. We carry electrical distribution and ancillaries as well, such as load banks, cable ramps, transformers, power cables and distribution boxes. 

Our temperature control products include air conditioners, heaters and chillers. You can find here a full inventory of Sullair air compressors for purchase, lease or rent and you can count on us whether you are looking for a diesel or an electric air compressor, dryer or after-cooler. We can provide industrial compressors in the horsepower to match your requirements from 2hp to 500hp, and portable air compressors from 185cfm to 1,600 cfm up to 500 psi. 

Choose from an inventory of top quality equipment that meets the strictest emissions requirements, supported by an experienced sales staff that will add value to the relationship, and backed by a company that has earned its reputation for dependability.

In addition, Milton CAT meets the needs of engine users as diverse as yachts, fishing boats, ferries, and Coast Guard vessels. And we also service the population of CAT on-highway truck engines throughout the Northeast.

The power systems service capabilities include 26 service bays, an engine dynamometer, as well as 28 field service trucks that serve the MA and RI areas.

Contact Information

101 Quarry Drive
Milford, MA, 01757

(508) 634-3400
(508) 634-5578 Fax


Route 495 to Exit 50. Take Route 85 south toward Milford. At first set of lights, go left onto Fortune Boulevard. At the second set of lights, at top of the hill, take the right onto Quarry Drive. The entrance to the power systems facility is your first right.

Your time is valuable, and your business, much appreciated. Thanks for visiting our website. You can count on us for realistic answers to your equipment needs, state-of-the-art technology, experienced application specialists, flexible acquisition options and customized financing. We look forward to answering your questions.

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