


Monday to Friday:  7am - 5pm
Saturday:  7am - Noon

Stay ahead of the competition! Whether your business is earthmoving, forestry, farming, mining, paving, trucking, education or healthcare, visit the Binghamton Milton CAT location for sales and rental of top-of- the-line equipment, work tools, power generators and ancillaries, compressors and light towers. A good inventory of used equipment can be quickly complemented by our other locations if you don’t find what you need.

You can count on the Binghamton Milton CAT location as a reliable, expertly-staffed and complete source, and they are ready to support your uptime withservice, parts ordering and pickup.


Contact Information

55 Industrial Park Drive
Binghamton, NY, 13904-3201

(607) 251-6500
(607) 772-6529 Fax
(607) 251-6550 Parts
(607) 251-6530 Service


Arriving from the West on Route 17. Take Route 17 to Exit 3. At the bottom of the off ramp, turn right at the traffic light on Colesville Rd. Go to the foot of the hill and turn left at the traffic light onto Industrial Park Drive. Milton Cat is located at the end of the street.

Arriving from the East on Route 17. Take Route 17 to Exit 75 (Industrial Park & US Route 11). Take Route 11 North Exit. At the 1st traffic light, turn right on Colesville Rd. At the 2nd traffic light, turn right onto Industrial Park Drive, Milton Cat is located at the end of the street.

Arriving from the North on I-81, Follow I-81 South (which merges with Route 17 East) to Exit 3. At the bottom of the off ramp, turn right at the traffic light on Colesville Rd. Go to the foot of the hill and turn left at the traffic light onto Industrial Park Drive. Milton Cat is located at the end of the street.

Arriving from the South on I-81. Follow I-81 North to Exit 2W (Industrial Park & US Route 11). Take Route 11 North Exit. At the 1st traffic light, turn right on Colesville Rd. At the 2nd traffic light, turn right on Industrial Park Drive. Milton Cat is located at the end of the street.

Arriving from the East on I-88. Follow I-88 West to I-81 South. Follow I-81 South (which merges with Route 17 East) to Exit 3. At the bottom of the off ramp, turn right at the traffic light on Colesville Rd. Go to the foot of the hill and turn left at the traffic light onto Industrial Park Drive. Milton Cat is located at the end of the street.

Your time is valuable, and your business, much appreciated. Thanks for visiting our website. You can count on us for realistic answers to your equipment needs, state-of-the-art technology, experienced application specialists, flexible acquisition options and customized financing. We look forward to answering your questions.

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