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Parts Options

At Milton CAT, you can count on finding the part that makes sense, each and every time. What are the parts options we offer? The alternatives include standard new parts, a re-manufactured line, parts for older equipment, used parts, and parts for competitive equipment.

New Parts

Standard Caterpillar-made new parts may be the right option to keep up your valuable, newer CAT machine, and, of course, new parts come with a Caterpillar manufacturer’s guarantee.


But did you know that the remanufactured option, also called “reman,” could sell for up to 60% less than a new part and carries an as-new guarantee? So, next time you order parts for any of your machines, inquire whether there is a reman option available. Keep in mind that these are parts remanufactured by CAT.


A line of parts designed for older machines, CAT Classic is the right answer for keeping your old but trusted Caterpillar workhorses going strong. These classic parts give you good value where investing in new or even remanufactured parts does not make economic sense.


Last but not least, the “used parts” alternative often gives you a good solution when you have equipment you want to get a little more life out of, need to ready a machine to be sold, or hope to save money on certain parts of a major repair, say “external parts”, so you can allocate more resources to internal parts like gears, where it may be important to use new or reman replacements.

Parts For Other Manufacturers’ Equipment

And remember, if you are like most equipment owners, your fleet is not comprised entirely of one brand of equipment therefore parts replacement can mean calls and visits to several dealers, with the ensuing aggravation, waste and downtime. Milton CAT offers you a complete line of parts for competitors’ machinery. This is an affordable and convenient option; the parts are sold at the same prices, sometimes less, than what you’d pay at the equipment dealer where the machine was originally sold.

Your time is valuable, and your business, much appreciated. Thanks for visiting our website. You can count on us for realistic answers to your equipment needs, state-of-the-art technology, experienced application specialists, flexible acquisition options and customized financing. We look forward to answering your questions.

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